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Centralized integrated service access platform
M100_ZMUX-3300 Optical transmission card


Optical transmission card

   The M100 optical transmission card can be used to insert any common service board slot of the ZMUX-3300 platform, which over 1channel fiber transmit to realize the point-to-point communication function of the E1 signal and the Ethernet signal.

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Product description

The M100 card is designed as module, with 4*4E1 module slots and 1*100M Ethernet module slot. It can provide up to 16 channel E1 signals and 2 channel shared 100M Ethernet signals.

The M100 card has two DB37 connectors. Each DB37 connector can access 1~8channel E1 signals and provide 16channel E1 interfaces.

The M100 card has two RJ45 ports, complete 2 channels of Ethernet signal access, 2 channels of Ethernet share 100M.

Technical parameter index

Interface type: optical interface

Number of interfaces: 1channel

Line rate: 150 Mbit/s

Pattern: NRZ + scrambling code

Luminous power: ≥-12dBm

Receive sensitivity: ≥-35dB

Light wavelength: 1310nm

Connector: double fiber / FC / single mode / 40Km (standard); optional single fiber / SC / transmission distance 60Km ~ 100Km

Interface type: E1 electrical port

Number of interfaces: 16channel

Signal rate: 2048kbit/s

Tolerance: ± 50ppm

Interface impedance: 1) 75 ohms / unbalanced

                                     2)120 ohms / balanced

Line code: HDB3

Digital interface electrical characteristics standard: in accordance with ITU-T G.703 recommendations

Jitter transfer characteristics:in accordance with ITU-T G.823 recommendations

Input jitter tolerance: in accordance with ITU-T G.823 recommendations

Connector: CC4 coaxial connector (75 ohm / unbalanced); optional RJ45 connector (120 ohm / balance)

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